Travel is a big part of my life. It has been for the past 2 years, and it will be for at least as long into the future, perhaps longer, depending on where life and my heart takes me after I graduate.
cons: expensive flights.
pros: frequent flyer points. tiny packets of Pringles.
Home is a subject that is so important to me. I am a nester. A true sentimentalist. I need to be surrounded by things and people I love to feel inspired. When I moved my life across the country, I spent a lot of time fretting about what I'd left behind; family, friends, memories and perhaps missed opportunities. First kisses, old schoolyards, local haunts, sunday roasts with my Grandmother, that kind of thing.
cons; sleeping alone each night
pros; sleeping in my Grandmothers super comfortable old wooden bed, like I have since I was a baby.
Naturally, as time forged on, I started building and collecting these things on the West Coast, and the whims of my heart began to bow and bend the other way. My life in Perth became my constant, my routine, my familiarity. My sentimental heart stores the smells and sights of any given place like little calling cards that remind me I've always got somewhere to call home.
I am not sure why it is I feel like I need to be married to one city at a time, but I do. I need a solid home base to feel grounded and secure. For now, I feel like that place is Perth. Funnily enough, it took the creation of some not-so-great memories for me to feel like I could finally call the tiny clean city home. Home isn't about fresh cut flowers and the scent of cinnamon baked cookies , its about having history and roots wherever you are. Something slightly more tangible that makes you feel established. That is really important to me.
I am blessed to have memories in two places I have called home. While I am away from one, I am reminded of what I have to be grateful for in the other, and despite sometimes being a little lonely on the road, it always brings me back 'home' with a renewed enthusiasm for what I missed.
cons; having so much downtime i don't know what to do with myself.
pros; being able to take the time out to pamper myself.
cons; missing out on my regular pole. lyra and silks classes.
pros; being able to take classes at Sydney Dance Company in a large studio that overlooks the water.
cons; not having the boyfriend near by to snuggle up to.
pros; re-connecting with my best gay boyfriend and snuggling up to watch a lame rom-com on a Wednesday night.
con; having to rely on technology to say 'I love you'
pro; having someone in my life who is willing to accept all my nuances and philosophies about home, stay on the phone to me for hours with just the right amount patience and wisdom.
Having something so wonderful to come home to.
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